Sunday, April 16, 2017

3 Books On Eastern Orthodox Religion To This Easter

Today is Easter for millions of people that are within the religious circle. If you’re a Christian, even if you’re an Orthodox one, you will find that today has special meaning. You may not celebrate with the mainstream Christian world, but you still must reflect on the cross. It’s for that reason why you should have your Russian Orthodox Beads at the helm of your prayer life. With this in hand, you can pray, consider the cross, and reflect on the blessing of resurrection.

If you’re not familiar with Russian Orthodox Beads, or perhaps you want to learn about Eastern Orthodox Religion, the best thing that you can do is read a few books. In conjunction with the use and promotion of Russian Orthodox Beads, you will want to consider the following 3 books on religious studies, specifically about Eastern Orthodox churches, beliefs, and of course the use of prayer beads.

The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware

The one book that I picked up after I first purchased Russian Orthodox Beads was this one. “The Orthodox Church” is a book that discusses all of the sacraments and beliefs of Eastern Orthodox religion. Ware is an Oxford educated scholar, and has been known for his writing about Orthodoxy in a lot of different avenues. This is an easy to read, accessible book on the church, and is a great companion for your prayer rope.

The Orthodox Church: An Introduction To Its History, Doctrine and Spiritual Culture by John McGuckin

If you’re interested in going beyond the discipline of prayer with your Russian Orthodox Beads, then you should pick up this boo. This is a real-world introduction to Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Church beliefs. Orthodox Christianity is painted in a different light here, with history and competency. McGuckin writes as a scholar, with a lot of dense materials, references and research to his credit.

Formation and Struggles: The Birth of the Church to A.D. 200 by Veselin Kesich

When purchasing Russian Orthodox Beads, you will no doubt want to pick up this book. Kesich writes a history of the start of the Orthodox church. You will be able to trace identity, and dwell on the rise of the church long ago. This is a history book that all orthodox and protestants should purchase, as it is a wonderful book on Christianity from the past, with great meaning and companionship to the present. Use this alongside your Russian Orthodox Beads and you’ll feel a new connection to the word of the Lord.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Brings About New Hope With Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads

Driving by a local church I saw a sign that stated, Christ Is Dead. That was a rattle in my mind that just wouldn’t go away. Today is Good Friday. I am posting this as a part of a resurgence moving forward with this blog in hopes that people take hold a life of prayer and fasting. Today, I did not fast, but I did move my heart and mind to the Easter weekend. Obviously today is not the same Easter celebration that orthodox Christians celebrate, but for many people, today is a day of prayer. There are a few benefits that come with prayer, and moving forward with Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads can highlight some of the beauty that comes with prayer.

Finding Direction With Prayer

Easter brings about a new hope for Christians around the world. Starting with Good Friday, prayer should be something that you reflect on. Whether you wake up before dawn, and you grab hold of Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads or you simply kneel down and pray at your bedside, the day brings about a point of reflection from the death of Christ, before his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Avoiding Temptation

One of the benefits that comes with Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads and Easter prayers is the reflection that Christ died and rose from the dead for your sins. Avoiding temptation, asking for strength, and seeking direction in life can become easier when you hold fast to prayer, and you utilize a focusing tool such as beads. Now, you don’t have to use beads to pray, but it’s something that I have found to be grand in my own life.

Eliminate Anxiety

Turn on the news and you’re going to get hit with a lot of stories of anxiety, and uncertainty. From wars and rumors of wars, to refugees, children dying and so much more, life is not easy to run through when you’re a Christian. Purchasing and using Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads to help you concentrate during your prayers can eliminate worry, help with anxiety, and give you hope for a brighter future.

As you settle in for Easter celebrations, think about the beauty of the cross, and make a commitment to seek God first, daily. With that in mind, consider using Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads and see why they can help you with a life of prayer, today.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Benefits Associated With Russian Orthodox Prayer Beads

Turn on the news right now and you’re going to find that there’s a lot of turmoil. Just a few days ago the United States dropped on of the largest bombs ever. North Korea has been said to be testing nuclear options, and so much more. Is the world setting up for the end? You may find yourself dealing with anxiety and so much more. If you’re not sure what the future holds, or you’re scared about what may come through, maybe it’s time to dedicate your life to prayer. A good Orthodox Prayer Rope can help you with this, and it goes beyond orthodoxy. Consider a few benefits that comes with the purchase and use of one of these elements.

Concentrate On Prayer

The first thing that you are going to find with the use of Orthodox Prayer Rope is that you’re going to be able to concentrate a bit more. When you are holding onto the prayer rope in your hands, you’re going to be able to remember what you’re doing. The mind drifts in prayer, and meditation. I know this to be true because I’m constantly struggling to stay focused when tired. I wake up early, sometimes before the sun comes up and all I have is my thoughts and the darkness. Before sunrises, I need prayer, and what has helped me concentrate is a good prayer rope.

Feel The Power of Prayer

Sometimes, when you’re alone with your thoughts, in prayer, you may feel anxious, tired, or even start yawning. With the purchase and use of a Orthodox Prayer Rope, you are going to be able to feel the power of prayer as you isolate your thoughts and get disciplined in this practice of faith. I know, it may sound insane, but I have found that by simply focusing on this simple upgrade, my mind focuses on the right elements, and I find myself feeling empowered through the prayers that I push out to the Lord. Test out a good Orthodox Prayer Rope, and see why so many are investing in these to meditate and pray.

Russian Orthodox Beads For Prayer

We are living in uncertain times. Every time you turn on the news, you are hit with something else that is going on. Think of these modern times, where bombs are being dropped on innocent people. Nuclear tests are being pushed, and it seems like the world is set to go to war yet again. Even though people of faith should hold fast to God, it’s hard to see past the darkness that is pushed by the world. Prayer is an answer. Russian Orthodox Beads can help you not only see a whole new world view, and help ease your heart.

Not Just For Russian Orthodox Christians

At first glance, I used to think that Russian Orthodox Beads were only for those that followed Russian Orthodoxy. That’s not true. I went to a church in Los Angeles and was embraced with warmth. The leaders there had large beards, and wore robes, and embraced me when I had great trouble. It was in their prayer time that they introduced me to the idea of prayer without ceasing. They said that in uncertain times, push through with a life of prayer. Taking the Russian Orthodox Beads, you can count, you can hold them, you can wear them, and you can focus on the task at hand, prayer.

Buying Russian Orthodox Beads Today

You can go to a religious center to buy Russian Orthodox Beads. I did in the past, but found that the best solution is to go online. The last set I purchased was from Amazon, and I was able to get free shipping since I’m a prime member. I have 3 sets now. Whenever I go out, I put them in my pocket, and sometimes I wake up really early, restless, and use them to concentrate on faith, and love. I am not anywhere near an Orthodox church, but in these uncertain times, I can truly say that prayer has helped me cope with a lot of issues. Perhaps a good set of Russian Orthodox Beads could help you too.

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