Monday, January 11, 2016

Get Your Orthodox Prayer Rope Before Week of Prayer Begins on January 18

The Annual Week of Prayer Unites Christendom January 18 - 25, 2016
Christians around the world will be joining together for a week of prayer that is coming January 18. The week of prayer will be celebrated as a major event in Christendom from January 18 – 25 for ecumenical celebrations. This is an annual event that has been going on since 1975.

Different churches from all over the world come together and put their resources for unity in Christ. With that fast approaching, you may want to get an orthodox prayer rope for the purpose of prayer this coming week.

The theme of this year’s Week of Prayer is “Called To Proclaim The Mighty Acts of The Lord”. This was chosen by the churches of Latvia, and it’s a hope to unite the Christian world in 2016, at least for the week of prayer that is coming.

Whether you’re orthodox, Catholic, protestant, or any spiritual discipline, January 18 – 25 will mark a blessed week. If you haven’t tried using orthodox prayer rope, or any sort of concentration tool, then this may be the perfect time to do so. As the week of prayer comes through the Northern Hemisphere, you will no doubt want to set your eyes on the unity that this brings about annually.

Every year between the feasts of St. Per and St. Paul the church comes together for prayer across the world. While there are many different denominations, millions of Christians will in fact lower their heads in prayer and unify. It’s for this simple news that you may want to consider an orthodox prayer rope and join them. I know I will most likely do so. Again, January 18 – 25 will mark the week of prayer unity amidst Christendom.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

33 Bead Orthodox Prayer Rope With Hematite and Red Coral Review

I’ve been discussing orthodox prayer rope for some time now, and I wanted to feature one specific option that I found online. I was cruising Amazon and found this awesome rope that is absolutely stunning. It’s a 33 bead rope that really compelled me to consider picking a new one up. I have a rosary already that I use, and I use a rope when I’m skateboarding or in the streets. But this is a beautiful one that is hand made.

The Beads On This Orthodox Prayer Rope Sell It

First and foremost, make sure that you look at the pictures, as you’ll see the beads are genuinely fascinating. The color on them, are impressive, you get 33 beads on them, as is the custom of orthodox prayer ropes of this particular type. You can also find that you can get Bali Copper, Bali Silver, Onyx, and others. I picked this particular one because the red corals add accents to the cross and the beads that contrast the colors are like little globes.

Concentrate On Prayer With The Cross In Hand

The main purpose of orthodox prayer rope is to concentrate while you pray. There are 33 beads here in the traditional sense, and the cross of orthodoxy at the tip. When you order this, you will also be given a gift pouch, and a prayer cord with the Jesus Prayer. Now, you don’t have to use them, but it’s a nice little addition.

33 Beads Made From Hematite and Red Coral

Overall, I’m impressed with the beauty and design of this 33 bead orthodox prayer rope. The coral beads, and the hand crafted design is definitely worth your time. If you are looking for something to give your prayer life a little boost, then by all means, check this option out. I am impressed by the style, color, and beauty. I can’t begin to tell you how nice this is. You can order it for under 20 bucks, which is a small price to pay if you ask me.

Purchase an Orthodox Prayer Rope made by hand by Orthodox Christians by clicking here.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

2 Major Reasons Why Your Orthodox Prayer Rope May Not Work

Orthodox Monk Using A Prayer Rope For Concentration
There are a lot of people that seek out orthodox prayer rope to be a talisman of sorts. The idea that an object has remote power is very fascinating to people, and that can lead down some very bad roads when it comes to spirituality. For those that are Christian, there’s a realm of the supernatural that is no doubt tapped when you decide to commit yourself to prayer. It’s a pathway to connecting with God, and it’s something that is deeply rooted in all faiths of Christendom. However, if you are relying on physical objects to be the source of divinity, you’re going to be sorely mistaken.

There Is No Power In Man Made Objects

Even though I’ve been recommending that people use orthodox prayer rope to pray, I don’t say that because it has power. There is no power in the rope itself. It’s in the commitment, and act of prayer that we reach for God and he hears us call out. The Bible showcases time and time again how powerful prayer is, and the decision to be more vigilant is a good thing. Prayer ropes, beads, and things of that nature are tools to help you remember, concentrate, and give you a nudge to pray at all times, without ceasing as it says in Ephesians.

Faith Is Not Superstition

Despite what people may say, spirituality is not rooted in superstition. Superstition can sometimes to you to physical objects, which have no inherent power. That means that if you use a orthodox prayer rope or not, your faith is found in your heart and mind, not in the literal ropes and cloth that you utilize. There is a certain reverence, and ceremony that comes with orthodoxy, and prayer ropes, beads, and more are part of that reverent religious ceremony. It comes from a place of sincerity, not superstition.

If you have never prayed with orthodox prayer rope, then purchase one online here. Pray more, and see if this can help you concentrate in times of great stress. Whether you’re Russian Orthodox, or protestant, consider this simple tool to help you move forward with your daily devotions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

3 Major Ways Praying With An Orthodox Prayer Rope Can Change Your Life Forever

Via Reuters - Orthodox Prayer
Whether you’re a protestant or you’re seeking Orthodoxy, you’ll find that one of the beautiful things in your daily life can be prayer. Praying is a powerful thing, and it can come with some serious health benefits. While some people may not be believers in Christ, the idea of meditation has hit mainstream media. Prayer can be nothing more than meditation to some, and to others, it can be a cycle of war in the spiritual realm. However you view it, you’ll find that using an orthodox prayer rope could very well change your life forever. In fact, there are 3 ways that using this as a tool for your prayer life can help. Now, there is no power in the physical item, but rather in the actual commitment to pray more.

A Constant Communication With God

Using an orthodox prayer rope is not about just having a cool item around. It’s about having a constant reminder that you should pray. It’s the same thing that you can find with having a cross, a bracelet, or just about anything that you’ve seen come out of Christendom. The goal here is to have a silent reminder to come to prayer and communication with God. Having this on your person will change how you go through your day, without a doubt.

Praying With An Orthodox Prayer Rope Helps You Gain Wisdom

God gives wisdom freely to those that ask. Well, the whole purpose of having a simple rope is to remind you to ask. Whether you’re seeking the kingdom of God early in the morning, or you’re doing so at night, you’ll find that this can give you a bit of focus. It’s hard to concentrate in these modern times, but just having the knots to count through can help you stay focused when you’re having a hard time setting aside time in prayer to seek out wisdom. It is easy to become a habit, if you just test.

You Simply Get More Prayer Time In

The big change here is in your daily routine. You don’t need an orthodox prayer rope to pray. However, there are some people that find comfort in having a relic, or a small token of their spiritual walk with them. Whether you’re a protestant, Orthodox Christian, or just a spiritual person, there’s something powerful that can change in your life when you dedicate yourself to prayer. Taking your time in this will pay off dividends. Getting a rope will help you change your life. That’s the heart of Ephesians 6:18 after all, “ And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”.

If you’re interested in picking up an orthodox prayer rope, do so by going online here. You can find a variety of solutions. Whether you want traditional Russian prayer beads, or rope with many knots, you’ll find a wide variety of options.

Facts About Orthodox Prayer Rope You Should Know

Whether With Rope or Candles, Prayer is Powerful
Many people don’t know anything about orthodox prayer rope. In fact, there are a lot of people that just assume it’s part of the antiquity of Christendom. While that can be said to be true about a lot of things, this is something that is a bit more modern, at least when you compare different ideas. Whether you’re a protestant or you are seeking Christian ideas, you’ll find that there are a lot of facts about prayer beads and ropes. The following are just a handful of things that come to mind when you are looking into rope for you or a loved one.

You Can Pray With Orthodox Prayer Rope Anywhere

Believe it or not, the whole purpose of orthodox prayer rope is to pray at any given time. Whether you are at work, or you’re waiting at a stop sign, you can pause and say a quick prayer or you can simply give your thoughts to God. It’s something that may slip your mind otherwise. When you reach in your pocket and you have a rope, or you attach something to your keys, things become illuminated and you can reach for the skies a bit.

You Can Pray Regular Prayers Any Time

One common myth is that you can only chant, meditate, or pray to saints with orthodox prayer rope. That’s not true at all. You can pray anything you’d like, whether memorized or not. So long as you’re lifting up your heart and mind to the Lord, you can use these ropes as concentration tools or simply to count your blessings. You are not “stuck” to one type of prayer over another.

Orthodox Prayer Rope Is In Line With Biblical Tradition

The original prayer ropes were created by Orthodox Christian monks. The reason why they started using ropes is because the old tradition of using pebbles, rocks, or sticks while in prayer was not really something that you could take with you. Now if you want a bit more lore, one story goes as follows: “The story is told of a monk who decided to make knots in a rope, which he could use in carrying out his daily rule of prayer. But the devil kept untying the knots he made in the rope, frustrating the poor monk's efforts. Then an angel appeared and taught the monk a special kind of knot that consists of ties of interlocked crosses, and these knots the devil was unable to unravel.”

If you would like to purchase an orthodox prayer rope to help you in your prayer life, you can do so by clicking here and ordering it online. There is power in prayer, and these ropes can help you in your meditative life.

Apply These 3 Techniques To Improve Prayer Time With Your Orthodox Prayer Rope

Prayer is A Powerful Tool
When it comes to praying, distraction is no doubt going to set in. I know this all too well. When I was a teenager I started my quest to pray at 6 in the morning every day. As an adult, prayer is more important than ever. Regardless of what branch of Christianity you’re in, you can find that an orthodox prayer rope can assist you with concentration. In fact, there are 3 techniques that I use to help me get through my times of prayer and meditation.

Count The Knots

Assuming you’re using an orthodox prayer rope, you will want to count the knots as you pray. If you’re a protestant or an orthodox Christian, you will find that this small technique is very helpful. Now, I am not saying that you should use the knots to repeat the same thing over and over again, but rather to keep your mind focused on the task at hand. It’s easy to slip away in your thoughts, but with this simple task, you can at least get a little bit of leverage.

Steady Your Breathing

No matter when you decide to pray, make sure that you take into consideration your breathing patterns. This is an ancient technique that people use with meditation. When you’re praying, not only should you grasp your orthodox prayer rope, but breathe deeply and exhale deeply, to cement your process. This is a meditative solution that comes in handy on a lot of different levels. Over time, you will find that this can have health benefits such as anti-anxiety, and much more.

Try Praying Without An Orthodox Prayer Rope

Obviously, I recommend using an orthodox prayer rope, but most don’t. Here’s a technique that you may want to try. The next time you set some moments of your day to pray, don’t use one. Instead, focus on praying and see how it goes. If you feel that you do not need a rope or orthodox beads of any kind, then by all means continue. But if you find that your mind wanders, or you’re not really sure how to progress, then you will want to go back to using an orthodox prayer rope for concentration.

Not sure where to buy an orthodox prayer rope? Don’t worry, you can order them online in many knots, from various sellers via here.

3 Myths People Believe About Orthodox Prayer Rope

Focusing On Prayer
When you are studying religion, praying, and seeking truth, you will be subject to a lot of ideologies. The Bible instructs every Christian to be vigilant and continue to seek after God. Well, even with an earnest heart, it’s easy to believe myths. For those that are utilizing Russian prayer beads or orthodox prayer rope options, myths compound. I saw this actively in the Catholic church, especially in Latin America. That has led me to discuss a few myths that people believe about these ropes, beads, and more. They may surprise you a bit.

There Is Power In The Orthodox Prayer Rope

No. There is no major power in the literal orthodox prayer rope that you would purchase online or anywhere else. The power that comes from anything is from the spirit of the Living God. There is nothing in the object or the items that you purchase today that are going to give you “power”. God is not a lucky charm, and relics or ideas that come from beads and ropes aren’t part of the power. They are tools to assist you with concentration, reverence and more.

Only Ropes Made From Monks Are Special

This is something that I came across online. It’s a myth. Yes, there are a lot of monks that make rope, and sell them throughout the world. Some people will tell you that the only good orthodox prayer rope comes from these monks that are specializing in creating them, and that’s not true. However, if you find that you want to support the livelihood of monks that only sell these for the purpose of living and continuing their work in the faith, then by all means. Just don’t assume that they are the only ones that are of good quality.

Protestants Cannot Use Orthodox Prayer Rope or Russian Prayer Beads

Wrong again. Anyone can use orthodox prayer rope today. The use of these things for prayer aren’t hinging on praying to saints or anything like that. They are simple items that have deeper meaning to those that are of the Orthodox Christian Church. However, you don’t have to be part of that church to use these things. It’s all in how you perceive certain things, honestly.

If you’ve never prayed with orthodox prayer rope, perhaps it’s time to see how it is. You can shop for beads and ropes online via Amazon, and see if it will help your prayer life any. Many people swear by them.

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