Wednesday, January 6, 2016

3 Major Ways Praying With An Orthodox Prayer Rope Can Change Your Life Forever

Via Reuters - Orthodox Prayer
Whether you’re a protestant or you’re seeking Orthodoxy, you’ll find that one of the beautiful things in your daily life can be prayer. Praying is a powerful thing, and it can come with some serious health benefits. While some people may not be believers in Christ, the idea of meditation has hit mainstream media. Prayer can be nothing more than meditation to some, and to others, it can be a cycle of war in the spiritual realm. However you view it, you’ll find that using an orthodox prayer rope could very well change your life forever. In fact, there are 3 ways that using this as a tool for your prayer life can help. Now, there is no power in the physical item, but rather in the actual commitment to pray more.

A Constant Communication With God

Using an orthodox prayer rope is not about just having a cool item around. It’s about having a constant reminder that you should pray. It’s the same thing that you can find with having a cross, a bracelet, or just about anything that you’ve seen come out of Christendom. The goal here is to have a silent reminder to come to prayer and communication with God. Having this on your person will change how you go through your day, without a doubt.

Praying With An Orthodox Prayer Rope Helps You Gain Wisdom

God gives wisdom freely to those that ask. Well, the whole purpose of having a simple rope is to remind you to ask. Whether you’re seeking the kingdom of God early in the morning, or you’re doing so at night, you’ll find that this can give you a bit of focus. It’s hard to concentrate in these modern times, but just having the knots to count through can help you stay focused when you’re having a hard time setting aside time in prayer to seek out wisdom. It is easy to become a habit, if you just test.

You Simply Get More Prayer Time In

The big change here is in your daily routine. You don’t need an orthodox prayer rope to pray. However, there are some people that find comfort in having a relic, or a small token of their spiritual walk with them. Whether you’re a protestant, Orthodox Christian, or just a spiritual person, there’s something powerful that can change in your life when you dedicate yourself to prayer. Taking your time in this will pay off dividends. Getting a rope will help you change your life. That’s the heart of Ephesians 6:18 after all, “ And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”.

If you’re interested in picking up an orthodox prayer rope, do so by going online here. You can find a variety of solutions. Whether you want traditional Russian prayer beads, or rope with many knots, you’ll find a wide variety of options.

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